22 Language Resources (Page 1 of 2)

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 Basic Vocabulary of Human Genome    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 108
  • Catalan
  • English
  • Spanish
 Basque-English LMF Apertium Bilingual dictionary    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 90
  • Basque
  • English
 English Acquis Communautaire    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 50
  • English
 English-Catalan LMF Apertium Bilingual dictionary    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 89
  • Catalan
  • English
 English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 84
  • English
  • Galician
 English-Galician LMF Apertium Bilingual dictionary    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 85
  • English
  • Galician
 English LMF Apertium Dictionary    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 30
  • English
 English-Spanish LMF Apertium Bilingual dictionary    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 30
  • English
  • Spanish
 Esperanto-English LMF Apertium Bilingual dictionary    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 73
  • English
  • Esperanto
 IULA Penn Treebank    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 94
  • English
  • Spanish
 IULA Spanish-English Technical Corpus    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 92
  • English
  • Spanish
 LMF UPF Term    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 94
  • Catalan
  • Dutch
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Latin
  • Portuguese
  • Rumanian
  • Spanish
  • Swedish

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